

International Surf Film Festival d’Anglet

10ème édition

International Surf Film Festival d’Anglet célèbre sa 10ème édition. Pendant 4 jours, Anglet accueille l’événement incontournable de la culture surf, rassemblant amateurs et professionnels autour des meilleures réalisations cinématographiques de l’année.


Un scénario qui a fait Ses preuves

Un festival pour tous
L’International Surf Film Festival s’est construit autour d’une ambition forte : faire reconnaître et découvrir à un plus large public la qualité artistique des films de surf. Face à une créativité toujours plus importante de la part des réalisateurs et le manque évident de visibilité de ces productions en Europe, le Film de Surf méritait un évènement à sa mesure : par la qualité des films sélectionnés, offrant un panorama internatio- nal des plus belles images du genre, l’International Surf Film Festival s’est imposé comme tel, un événement culturel et artistique à part entière.
Offrant un espace ouvert à tous, en plein air et entièrement gratuit, ce festival se veut avant tout un moment de convivialité et d’échanges, à l’image de la culture surf. Le temps d’une projection, touristes de passage, amateurs et professionnels du monde de la glisse partagent les mêmes transats pour admirer ces images venues des quatre coins du globe.


Zoom sur: Le film de Surf

Des histoires d’eau…
Avec le développement technologique des matériels de prise de vue, le film de surf a connu une évolution considérable. Parallèlement à cette modernisation, ces productions se sont grandement diversifiées, exprimant une créativité de plus en plus importante. Depuis plusieurs années, au-delà des images sensationnelles, des histoires se construisent à travers des récits toujours plus soignés, des bandes musicales originales, une esthétique de l’image et du montage particulièrement recherchée.
Entre sensations fortes et poésie, portraits, documentaires et fictions, le Film de Surf affirme son genre : des histoires d’eau à la portée universelle.


Coup de projecteur: Une démarche environementale

Bruno Delaye Production, la ville d’Anglet et la société locale INOVECO ont travaillé en collaboration pour mettre en place une organisation éco responsable de l’évènement, à travers des actions concrètes et mesurables au niveau local :
• Equipement et Gestion du site
• Communication : Impression sur papier recyclé
• Opération de sensibilisation du public avec l’Association Surfeurs Solidaires De plus, pour renforcer cette démarche environnementale, le Festival fait également la promotion du covoiturage à travers les sites dédiés tels que Comuto et


La Prog’

Mercredi 10
17h00: The Heart & the Sea
18h45: Namibie
19h30: Cap au sud
21h00: Ouverture

Jeudi 11
17h00: Waverider
18h30: Immersio
21h45: Tyler Wright
21h50: Easkey Britton Surf in Iran
22h00: Step’n Soul
22h10: Ritrati di Surf Girls Girls Girls

Vendredi 12
17h00: Surfelamal
17h30: Discovering Mavericks
19h00: Zero to 100
22h00: Drift

Samedi 13
17h00: Sacrebleu
17h30: The North Canyon Nazare Calling
18h45: Serendipity
21h00: Clôture
23h00: Feu d’artifice


Anglet International Surf Film Festival

10th Edition

This season’s leading cultural and surfing event, presented by Bruno Delaye Production and the city
of Anglet, will celebrate its 10th edition from July 10th to July 13th 2013.
On the program: a large and eclectic selection of surf films, art exhibitions, live music, and surfing

The films will be screened inside the Espace de l’Ocean for the Jury and giant screens will be set up
outdoors for the Festival’s guests, on the boardwalk overlooking the ocean, with free access for the
public to enjoy the selection of films in competition.

Screenings are scheduled every day, from 4:30 pm to 8 pm, and from 10 pm till midnight.
Drawing from its previous successes, the 10th edition of the International Surf Festival of Anglet promises
many surprises and high points. The line-up proposes no less than 19 films that have been carefully
selected by a committee that includes Gibus de Soultrait, Editor in chief of Surf Session magazine.

Alongside the Jury members, the Festival this year has the privilege of having a honor presidents:
Joël De Rosnay.
Renowned scientist and France’s surf pioneer: Joel de Rosnay is « Adviser for la Cité des Sciences et
de l’Industrie ». PhD in science, scientific writer and President of Biotics International. He has also
been France’s surf champion in 1960, longboard champion in the France Master in 1986, and three
times participant to the world surf championships.
In his last book « Surger La Vie’, published on May 16th 2012 at Editions LLL, « Les liens qui libèrent »,
he questions how to think and build tomorrow’s world while surfing on life.


A good Scenario

A Festival for All
The International Surf Festival was built around a strong ambition: to distinguish and reveal the artistic qualities of surf films to a large audience.
As the directors’ creativity becomes greater every day and as there’s an obvious lack of visibility of these productions in Europe,Surf film deserved an event up to its name. Through the quality of the selected films that offer an international scope of the most beautiful images of that genre, the International Surf Film Festival’s purpose had been created, as a unique cultural and artistic event.
While offering an open space for all, situated outdoors and free of charge, this festival first serves the purpose of friendly moments of discussions about ideas on surf culture. During a screening, passing tourists, surf amateurs and professionals of board sports share the same deckchairs as to admire images shot all over the world.


Zoom In: The Surf Film

Water Tales…
As technologies develop, the shooting equipment for surf films has known a significant evolution. Simultaneously to this modernization, productions have greatly diversified while expressing a greater creativity.
Over the last years, stories have been built through carefully written scripts beyond sensational images, musical scores have been especially created, and a true quest for esthetics and editing has become more present.
Among strong sensations, poetry, portraits, documentaries and drama, the Surf Film Festival establishes its style: water tales with a universal scope.


Spotlight on: An Eco-Friendly Initiative

For the third consecutive year, Bruno Delaye Production, the city of Anglet and local company INOVECO have joined forces to organize an eco-friendly and responsible event, through practical and measurable actions at a local level:
– Transportation: Carpool promotion and extended service of public transportation to and from the event location at the Chambre d’Amour.
– Set-up and management of the event site: recyclable plastic glasses, low-energy LED screen, collaboration with local suppliers, waste separation, electric boxes instead of generators, dry toilets, etc.
– Communication: printing on recycled paper
– Organization of side events to raise public awareness with the “Surfeurs Solidaires” association.

The Program

Wednesday 10
17h00: The Heart & the Sea
18h45: Namibie
19h30: Cap au sud
21h00: Ouverture

Thursday 11
17h00: Waverider
18h30: Immersio
21h45: Tyler Wright
21h50: Easkey Britton Surf in Iran
22h00: Step’n Soul
22h10: Ritrati di Surf Girls Girls Girls

Friday 12
17h00: Surfelamal
17h30: Discovering Mavericks
19h00: Zero to 100
22h00: Drift

Saterday 13
17h00: Sacrebleu
17h30: The North Canyon Nazare Calling
18h45: Serendipity
21h00: Clôture
23h00: Feu d’artifice